October 26, 2011

Picture Time!

Here are the pictures of last weekend while Quincey was out here :) And be warned, there are tons of them.

Football game! We won!


Card games :)

Us being........well, us......

So, did I mention I'm a klutz? Yes, those are the goldfish that I spilled all over the entire kitchen...

Provo temple photo shoot :)

 Scary bush!

 Quincey didn't like the little birdies hiding in the bush so much

The pictures of both of us are pretty impressive considering the fact that we had to take them ourselves

 No Photoshop :)


  1. Was it really 20 years ago that your mom's were doing the same type of stuff at BYU and around Provo??? Well yes it was. So fun to see you two enjoying life.

  2. Sorry...correction....your moms...no apostrophe.
