July 16, 2011

The End

Is seems like everything in my life is ending. Sure, it will all be replaced by something else, but still. It's a lot to take in.

Harry Potter- I can't believe the last movie is out! No more new Harry :( The Harry Potter books and movies have always been a part of my childhood, so it's sad to see them coming to a close. I guess I'll just have to reread all of the books now! It's been so long since I've read them that maybe it will feel like a new book. :) I sure hope so! I'm going to miss them!

High School- Let's be honest, I'm not sad to be leaving high school. In fact, I was ready to be done with it in the middle of last year! Still, it's going to be a big adjustment to go to college. Hopefully the classes at BYU don't kill me off.

Living at Home- Ahhhh! I can't believe I'm moving out! I'm excited about it, but it's going to take a lot of getting used to. Even now, my room is full of boxes and the walls are looking pretty empty. I can't imagine not living with my family, especially since every time I've moved before they've come with me. There are definitely going to be things that I miss about it, but I'm ready to be independent......I think...

Colorado Trips- I've been flying out to Colorado to visit all of my friends there about twice a year since I moved away 4 years ago. Next week I'm going out there for the last time until someone gets married or something. I'm probably most sad about this part of my life ending. My friends there mean the world to me, especially Quincey and Melissa. I miss them so much, and I can't imagine not being able to see them for years at a time. Luckily Melissa will be moving about 4 hours away from me, and will come to see me whenever she flies home. And hopefully Quincey's family will keep coming out to Utah every summer like they always do, so I can see her then. I'm still going to miss going out there. I love driving around that area that I love so much. I have a lot of great memories there that I am reminded of every time I visit. Maybe one day I'll be able to live there again with my "future family" :)

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